Starts 11/1/21!
Grab a torch and approach the flame. Join us for challenges, teamwork and support for the next Nutrition Reboot, Survivor Style! This is all about creating positive rituals, reigniting the fire that kept you healthy in the past and creating tribes that support one another. If you're looking for your next challenge, now is your time to shine!
Survivor Reboot
Get ready to take it to the island for Reboot - Survivor Style. Join alone or create a tribe, this 21 day program is a powerful way to create healthy habits, get rid of sugar and notice how whole real foods can help our bodies feel great. Same amazing benefits as prior BodyByBinay Reboots with the bonus option of bringing friends along to help you reach your goals. Joining food with fitness, movement, accountability, support and surprise rewards, this Reboot is for you.
Survivor Reboot Features:
Fun Food Challenges
21 Days of Healthy Eating
21 Days of Healthy HIIT Classes
Support Tribes: Join with a friend or group or join on your own!
Group and BBB auto-enroll discounts apply!
Tribal Council, where no one gets voted out!
Plus the same great benefits of BodyByBinay Reboot + HIIT classes:
Elimination of Processed Foods
Optional 3-5 Day Cleanse
Meal Plans
20+ Immune Boosting Recipes
Nutrition Manual: Weekly Menus, Recipes, Cleanse Tips
Virtual Nutritionist “Office Hours”
Nutritionist Led Group Support via Facebook
Individual 15 Minute Nutrition Consult with Binay
Incentives: Win a Roll with a Goal Mat or bands, BBB Hat and and more!
HURRY! Kick-Off Meeting Starts October 1, 2021
Week 1: Game time rules, featuring the first challenge!
Week 2: Tribal Council: A chance to share your winning creations.
Week 3: Individual Immunity: Option to Cleanse
What BodyByBinay Clients Are Saying…
“Working on the Reboot as a team helped me reach success. I felt supported, had fun and reset my health for 2021.”
“The Reboot was revolutionary for me: jumpstarted my metabolism and got me back on track! 3 years later, I still feel great!”
“In July I made a goal of a Century Ride, and it wasn’t until I began taking Body by Binay classes daily that I became so strong that I was able to sail across the finish line! Binay Curtis also did amazing nutrition consulting for me so I could understand how to properly feed my body to sustain the endurance I was requesting of my body. I’m so proud of my reaching my goal, and I love my stronger core! Thank you Binay.”
“The changes I felt were from the inside out. But, trust me, the weight loss was there too and I’m amazed at the simplicity of the program.”
“This program is smart, realistic and reliable. It’s my go-to! Every time I take the program, I learn something new and lean out.”